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      Wholesale with Tru-Colour!

      Whether you are interested in purchasing product in bulk or to save per bandage bag or aim to select the best options available for you, as a reseller, you’ll find many opportunities to partner with Tru-Colour and #diversityinhealing!

      Medical Professional

      Tru-Colour is committed to connecting the professional medical world with diverse, skin-tone shade bandages by partnering with the following medical distributor.

      Schools & Education

      Our bandages are used in schools throughout the United States, and we are pleased to partner with the following school distributors.


      Wondering if Tru-Colour is international? Click here for access to Tru-Colour Plasters in Europe. Check back soon for additional countries as we continue to expand and grow.

      Boutiques & Small Retailers

      If you’re a boutique or small retailer, we've partnered with Faire to allow you to order our products online. In addition to easy ordering, we now offer the following benefits through Faire:

      1. Net 60 terms on all orders for brick & mortar stores
      2. Free returns on your first order
      3. Limited time: $100 in credit and free shipping for one year when you sign up!


      We'd love to hear from you!

      Send Us A Message

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