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      What began as an adoptive dadā€™s chance to affirm and celebrate his sonā€™s identity for who he was, developed and grew into Tru-ColourĀ® Products, LLC:  the brand standard for embracing Diversity In HealingĀ®. Started in 2014, Tru-Colour believes in the beauty of the individual and exists to provide skin-tone shade bandages and kinesiology tape for everyone.

       In 2018, Tru-Colour was made available in Target stores nationwide and has continued to strive towards making its brand accessible to all businesses and consumers; most recently expanding internationally to be available in Europe, Australia, and other areas around the world. 

      Our diverse ownership team continues to share the goal of celebrating difference by catering products to meet individual needs and empowering people not only to heal better, but also to feel better by validating and celebrating the person instead of the product. 

      To read the full Tru-Colour origin story, look for Our History blog post - coming soon!

      For more information where you can find Tru-Colour Products, please visit our Where to Buy page &/or our Wholesale page.

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